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WOMENS GUILD 2023-2024 Schedule
ALL MEETINGS ARE AT 1:00 p.m. at the church, unless otherwise noted.  No meetings in January or February
6 – Chicken BBQ planning meeting 3:00 p.m. (note time change)
October 4 – Judy Kimes
November 1 – Belinda Phillips
December 6 – Christmas Party (Kim Watson)
March 6 –Sue Corlett
April 3 –Judy Palmatier
May 1 –Bonnie Banahan
June 5 –Grace Hoffman
September 22 – Chicken BBQ
November 7 – Election Day Bake Sale
December 3 – Hanging of the Greens (subject to change)
December 6 – Guild Christmas Party
December 9 – Advent Breakfast
February 14 – Ash Wednesday
March 2 – Lenten Breakfast 9:30 a.m.
March 24 – Palm Sunday
March 28 - Maundy Thursday
March 29 – Good Friday
March 31 – Easter Sunday
May 12 – Mother’s Day
June 16 – Father’s Day

Hi Ladies
–Enclosed please find our schedule for our Guild meetings along with other important dates.
Our first meeting will be a planning meeting for the Chicken BBQ on 9/22.  The time is changed to 3 p.m.  
All other meetings will be at 1 p.m.  We will continue our study of 2 Samuel.
Hope to see you there!
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Unionville Reformed Church is blessed to have an active Women's Guild!
For information on the Women's Guild please contact: womensguild@unionvillechurch.com
The Women's Guild met on June 29th to elect officers.  Thank you to Bonnie Banahan for all her years of service as President.
The new slate of officers will be, Kim Watson, President; Bonnie Banahan, Vice President; Grace Hoffman; Secretary, Judy Kimes, Treasurer; and Sue Corlett, Spiritual Life.  We also enjoyed a wonderful bible study on 1 Samuel.
OUR FIRST MEETING after summer vacation will be on September 7th, at 1:00 to discuss the upcoming Chicken BBQ on September 23rd.  Anyone wishing to help out at the BBQ are invited to attend.
Enjoy the rest of the summer!
Kim Watson, President